Earlier this year Baden Street Settlement, Charles Settlement House, and the Community Place of Greater Rochester came together to form Settlement Houses of Rochester Foundation. The foundation’s focus is to pursue new sources of shared funding to support and expand their programs and services to neighborhoods in need. Join us on September 17th at 12:00 PM at the Rochester Plaza Hotel and Conference Center
For the Settlement Houses of Rochester Foundation kick-off luncheon. The keynote speaker for the luncheon will be Dr. Mindy Fillilove. The author of “Root Shock: How Tearing Up Neighborhoods Hurts America and What We Can Do About It” will lead an interactive talk on the topic of “Healthy Neighborhoods, Healthy Families.”
Tickets are $50.00 and can be purchased by contacting:
Valarie Upson
585.327.7200 x102
Rich Redding
585.327.7200 x103
Tickets are also available online at: